Developed by Vokeso
for your organization
Vokeso has developed a range of software solutions fully integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Always listening to organizations, our team is continually dedicated to designing and developing high-performance products that will precisely meet their needs.

VokTRK, a Vokeso solution via a Web interface in the Microsoft Azure Cloud fully integrated to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Optimize your processes
VokTRK streamlines time and expense management with a complete approval system that includes email updates and notifications.
Track Everything
Use VokTRK to synchronize projects, tasks and clients as well as view and share reports and dashboards from the ERP according to the user’s role.

Keep Control
Customize VokTRK to your corporate branding. Adapt it according to your needs to different user profiles both internally and externally to your company, such as employees, suppliers, customers, partners, etc.
Prioritize security
A connection to VokTRK with a Microsoft 365 account with Multifactor Authentication (MFA). Focus on intelligent security and progress towards a zero-trust architecture.

Learn more
Our technical consultants will be happy to discuss with you the flexibility of VokTRK, a Vokeso solution.

Fully integrated to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, VokCNX is a universal connector between the ERP and various data sources for enhanced data recovery.
VokCNX, a simple and powerful Vokeso solution to centralize data within an organization.
Follow this link to read our blog about VokCNX.
Integrate to transform your business
Financial, time, efficiency, productivity losses caused by the lack of integration of the company's IT infrastructure?
VokCNX, a Vokeso solution
VokCNX allows you to automate activities, optimize processes, boost team satisfaction, increase productivity and profitability, and much more.
65 %
of businesses reported that they believed an external party was responsible for the cyber security incidents.
According to The Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime
Protect your data
Eliminate third parties for increased protection of your data.
Choose a single partner in which you can trust and who will ensure that you implement best practices in cyber security.
Stay in control of your integration
Contact us to learn more about potential CNX configurations for your business.